Blogue ATS: Film industry and sustainability in the era of Covid-19

O artigo desta semana, Film Industry and Sustainability in the era of Covid-19, aborda a complementaridade dos impactos e mudanças necessárias no sector cinematográfico para lidar com a crise pandémica e a crise climática. Venha conhecer mais acerca deste tema, numa análise que integra políticas públicas, iniciativas privadas e conhecimento científico, desenvolvidas no palco internacional, europeu e nacional!

A autora, Mariana Liz, é doutorada em Estudos Cinematográficos no King’s College, e investigadora (ICS-ULisboa) integrada no Observatório de Ambiente, Território e Sociedade (Observa). Desenvolve funções de conselheira de políticas nacionais enquanto técnica especialista no Gabinete do Secretário de Estado do Cinema, Audiovisual e Media do XXII Governo Constitucional de Portugal.

“The adaptations that will need to be implemented in film shootings as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic should not erase, but rather make more prominent, the climate emergency. In fact, as the Screen New Deal report also suggests, the kind of strategies and behaviours the industry will need to adopt in order to avoid the spread of Covid-19 are, in many ways, similar to those needed to tackle the climate emergency […] It is vital that new health procedures, together with public policy and funding initiatives, are accompanied by tools and regulations that promote sustainability, so that the relaunch of the sector, in Portugal and across the world, is just as green as it is clean and safe.”