Blogue SHIFT | Notes on co-production exercises between academia and social movements

No mais recente post do Blogue SHIFT, intitulado “Notes on co-production exercises between academia and social movements“, António Gori (ICS-ULisboa) aborda tema premente da crise habitacional em Lisboa e destaca o potencial da colaboração entre ciência e movimentos sociais. Conheça a sua investigação, na qual colabora com a Habita- Associação pelo Direito à Habitação e à Cidade e o coletivo Stop Despejos.

“[Interviews] became one of the rare moments for activists (as much as for me) to focus on aspects that everyday practices very often inhibit. Indeed, despite the high political value of the actions and practices undertaken, activists’ time is very often absorbed by emergencies such as actions to prevent evictions, demolitions, or demonstrations. [….]
This is why I offered to organize what I called ‘co-production exercises.’ I proposed to the two collectives creating a common calendar of moments of reflection and knowledge sharing. ”

Antonio Gori é doutorando no Programa Doutoral de Estudos de Desenvolvimento na no Instituto de Ciências Sociais of Universidade de Lisboa (ICS-ULisboa). A sua investigação incide sobre os movimentos sociais de habitação em Lisboa.