Blogue SHIFT | What if… “Form followed Life”?
No artigo “What if… “Form followed Life”?” publicado no Blogue SHIFT, Olivia Bina (ICS-ULisboa) aborda a importância de renegociar as relações entre seres humanos e a natureza, especialmente no urbanismo, e divulga o concurso internacional ‘FORM FOLLOWS LIFE’.
As inscrições estão abertas até ao dia 31 de Agosto!
“There is some progress making its way through the fractures of dominant modes of citymaking: the quest for “renaturing” cities and the demand for new, positive visions of urban futures that might usher a new human-built environment-nature relationships. However, we need much more: bold, generous visions of the urban form beyond human-centred perspectives.
This is precisely what we set out to contribute to by launching a worldwide crowd-sourcing experiment: ‘FORM FOLLOWS LIFE REINVENTING CITIES’.”
– Olivia Bina is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences University of Lisbon, Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science. Her research focuses on transformative change for sustainable urban futures, on the critique of “green” growth and notions of scarcity, and on exploring the unlimited potential of human-nature connectedness.