
PhD students
Mônica Igreja do Prado
PhD Student
João Ferrão, Filipe Duarte Santos
Climate Change: tangibility and civic engagement – the game Climatic Adventure

Mônica Prado is a PhD student at the ICS-ULisboa Program on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies, specializing in Environmental Sciences, focusing on Communication. Her research interest is to bring the individual closer to Climate Change and for this she has created a communication channel in the form of a board game. Climatic Adventure © that provides materialization for the phenomenon of climate change and promotes engagement for habits and attitudes in favor of a decarbonized society. Master in Communication from the University of Brasília (UnB) and Journalist from the University Center of Brasília (UniCeub), today she integrates the company Who Market Information as a senior analyst. Ocasionally, she acts as an international consultant for the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) in the area of Communication and Social Research for the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases. She worked in the international response to Zika in 2016 and during the Dengue epidemic in Paraguay in 2018. From 2006 to 2014 she was a professor at UniCeub and she was a research group in Environmental Public Communication, she directed research projects at graduate and post- graduation and was editor of Sustainability at the University News Agency. Writes on the Blog Entreposto sobre Clima & Pessoa.