Guerra J., Schmidt L., Prata L. (2022) Sustainable Development Goals in Portuguese Speaking Countries: The Perspective of Environmental Education Experts.
Publications of: João Guerra
Guerra J., Schmidt L., Prata L. (2022) Sustainable Development Goals in Portuguese Speaking Countries: The Perspective of Environmental Education Experts.
Guerra, J., Schmidt, L., Brito Lourenço, L. (2019). From Local Agenda21 to a localized Agenda 2030 – the Portuguese and
Guerra, J., L. B. Lourenço. 2018. “The 2030 Agenda: trends of transition toward sustainability”. In Changing Societies: Legacies and Challenges.
Schmidt, L., J. Guerra. 2018. “Sustainability: Dynamics, pitfalls and transitions”. In Changing Societies: Legacies and Challenges. Vol. iii. The Diverse
Schmidt, L., Guerra, J. (2018). Sustainability: dynamics, pitfalls and transitions. in Delicado, A. et. al. (2018). Changing Societies: legacies and
Guerra, J., Schmidt, L., (2016). Concretizar o wishful thinking: dos ODS à COP21 [Making wishful thinking a reality: from SDGS
Campos, I., Guerra, J., Ferreira, José Gomes, Schmidt, L., Alves, F., Vizinho, A., Lopes, G. P. (2017) Understanding climate change
Guerra, J., Schmidt, L. (2017). Capacitação local e processos adaptativos. O lugar dos professores no projeto ClimadaPT.Local [The capacity building
Schmidt, L., Guerra, J., Ramos Pinto, J. (2017). Educação Ambiental no contexto da CPLP: Um desafio urgente / [Environmental Education
Guerra, João, Schmidt, Luísa (2009). “Da Carta aos Compromissos de Aalborg – sustentabilidade local em Portugal no contexto europeu”. Comunicação
Observa is financed by ICS-ULisboa and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (UIDB/50013/2020 , UIDP/50013/2020 , LA/P/0051/2020)
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