R. Jacinto, E. Reis, J. Ferrão (2020). Indicators for the assessment of social resilience in flood-affected communities – A text
Tag de publicação: Ciências Sociais
R. Jacinto, E. Reis, J. Ferrão (2020). Indicators for the assessment of social resilience in flood-affected communities – A text
Liz, M. (2020). Urban homes and urban families: Teresa Villaverde’s Colo and Susana Nobre’s Ordinary Time. In Liz, M., Owen,
Liz, M. (2020). Thinking Europe from the margins and through marginal cinema: The case of The Nothing Factory (Pinho, 2017).
Neto, P. F. (2020). Moving assemblies. Socio-political mobilization in Angola’s collective transport. Cultural Studies, 34(1), 95-121. Published online 14 Feb 2019
Bina, O., Pereira, L. (2020). Transforming the role of universities: from being part of the problem to becoming part of
Delicado, A., Conceição, C. P., Raposo, H. (2020) A comunidade dos sociólogos da ciência e tecnologia em Portugal. In Associação
Liz, M., Tedesco, M., (2020). Dossier Temático: Mulheres e espaço no cinema contemporâneo. Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento,
Ana Antunes, Diana Frasquilho, Joana Rocha Zózimo, Manuela Silva, Graça Cardoso, João Ferrão, José Miguel Caldas-de-Almeida (2019). Exploring socioeconomic and
Tulumello S., (2019). Foreword. plaNext – next generation planning, 8, 5. Doi: 10.24306/plnxt/40
Falanga, R., Nunes, M. C. (2019) Multi-Scale Intersections of Collaborative Collective Actions in Urban Regeneration: Insights from the ROCK project
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