
4th INTREPID Report: INTREPID Futures Initiative Universities and Knowledge for Sustainable Urban Futures, as if inter and trans-disciplinarity mattered

Tipo de publicação: Research Brief

Olivia Bina, Giulio Verdini, Andy Inch, Marta Varanda, Marite Guevara, and Prue Chiles (2017). 4th INTREPID Report: INTREPID Futures Initiative Universities and Knowledge for Sustainable Urban Futures, as if inter and trans-disciplinarity mattered.

This Workshop is organised as part of an EU-funded Network (COST Action): INTREPID – whose objective is to inspire change in how we understand knowledge and build leadership  for interdisciplinarity.

INTREPID addresses 3 challenges:
• Challenge 1 – Understand Change: Reflecting and Learning
• Challenge 2 – Critical Mass: Building Networks and Cooperation
• Challenge 3 – Enable Change: Enabling interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity.

It has been exploring the discourse and practice of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity  (ID and TD) in research policy, programming and funding in the EU and its member states,  and has been looking specifically into the obstacles to, and enablers of, ID and TD in urban related research.

This Network is funded for four years. We are now entering the last two and, one of the next tasks is to reflect on “The Future of Academia and Universities: as if ID and TD mattered” (INTREPID Futures Initiative). The idea is to make a contribution over the next two years, towards shaping the space and terms of knowledge production in a way that enables more sustainable urban futures. Thus, we will engage with the future of academia and universities from the perspective of urban studies and urban-related research.