Tipo de publicação: Capítulo de livro
Mourato, J., Ferreira, D., Santos, S., Carmo, R. (2018). (In)consequential Planning Practices: The Political Pitfall of Mobility Policy-Making in Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area. In Malene Freudendal-Pedersen, Katrine Hartmann-Petersen, Emmy Laura Perez Fjalland (Eds.), Experiencing Networked Urban Mobilities: Practices, Flows, Methods, pp. 175-185. London: Routledge. https://bit.ly/2GFYOgE
Experiencing Networked Urban Mobilities looks at the different experiences of networked urban mobilities. While the focus in the first book is on conceptual and theory-driven perspective, this second volume emphasizes the empirical investigation of networked urban mobilities. This book is a resource for researchers interested in the field to gain easy access and overviews of different themes and approaches represented in the mobilities paradigm.