Já foi publicado o artigo desta semana do Blogue ATS, assinado por Roberto Falanga, Jessica Verheij e Mafalda Corrêa Nunes, investigadores no ICS-ULisboa e membros do Observa. “Action research and ethics in times of a global pandemic. An ongoing reflection on the EU-funded project ROCK in Lisbon” apresenta a reflexão dos autores acerca dos potenciais efeitos da crise de saúde pública que vivemos sobre as metodologias de investigação-acção.
“The recent Covid19 pandemic radically changed our perception of the ways in which we can or should approach action-research. We have been overwhelmed by the drastic changes in our daily lives, often causing feelings of unease and discomfort. We currently experience a time of contraction where the boundaries between our professional and personal lives have faded into a new “normal”, to which we have not yet become accustomed.”