O artigo desta semana no Blogue ATS, intitulado “BEACON: Coruche and its coal ovens – far from being stuck in a time warp”, é assinado por Alexandra Bussler (Assistente de Investigação no ICS-ULisboa), integrada no projecto BEACON.
“BEACON (Bridging European and Local Climate Action) brings together municipal decision-makers and environmental officers from Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Germany, Portugal and the Czech Republic. In Portugal, it is coordinated by the Faculty of Sciences and the Institute of Social Sciences from Lisbon University. Municipalities are assessed in developing climate change mitigation projects and actions over the course of 3 years (2018-2021). Coruche, as one of 5 participating municipalities, works towards turning its charcoal industry more sustainable and reducing its environmental and health impacts.”