Blogue ATS: Urban Islands In Times Of a Pandemic Or Boredom As Priviledge

Leia o novo artigo do Blogue ATS sobre “Urban Islands In Times Of a Pandemic Or Boredom As Priviledge”, da autoria da investigadora Pós-Doc dos ICS-ULisboa, Diana Soeiro, integrada no Observa.

“My main research activity is developed within the ROCK project, funded by the European Union, under the Horizon 2020 programme, involving 13 European cities. Briefly, the project focuses on researching how can urban regeneration be promoted through cultural heritage. (…)

Instead of asking how does the pandemic impact the ROCK territory, I ask what can we learn from the ROCK territory in order to have a better understanding of the current restrictions put in place due to the pandemic? The neighbourhoods of Marvila and Beato already experience several of the problems that now the rest of the city is experiencing. What is a state of exception for the city has been the rule in Marvila and Beato for many decades now.”