Blogue SHIFT | A CLAN for Human-Animal Studies? Opportunities and challenges of establishing the field in Portugal – Part 2

Esta semana no Blogue SHIFT, não perca a 2ª parte da reflexão de Verónica Policarpo (ICS-ULisboa) acerca do campo interdisciplinar de estudos das relações entre seres humanos e animais, em que aborda a colaboração no mundo lusófono! Este artigo integra a série “A CLAN for Human-Animal Studies? Opportunities and challenges of establishing the field in Portugal”.

“One of the strengths of the HAS-Hub proposal to the ASI prize may as well have been its aim of connecting the Lusophone world of animal scholars. This meant connecting with colleagues from Portugal, but also from Brazil and the Lusophone diaspora. The proposal also aimed at building a “home” where all of us could feel connected and supported, breaking the isolation that often haunts those working at the margins of traditional academia, beyond the boundaries of rigid disciplines. In this sense, the Hub was a pioneer in fostering HAS [Human-Animal Studies] in Portuguese”

– Verónica Policarpo é investigadora no ICS-ULisboa com formação em estudos de comunicação e sociologia, especializada na área estudos humanos-animais. Coordena o Human-Animal Studies Hub (HAS Hub), no ICS-ULisboa, o projecto CLAN, o curso de pós-graduação Animais e Sociedade, e a Escola Internacional de Verão em Estudos Humano-Animais.
A partir de Maio de 2023, irá coordenar o projecto ABIDE – Animal Abidings: recovering from disasters in more-than-human communities