Blogue SHIFT | Mind the gaps: strengthening adaptation in the critical decade

Esta semana no Blogue SHIFT, Carla Gomes (ICS-ULisboa) discute fatores de entropia e lacunas na implementação de medidas de adaptação e mitigação às Alterações Climáticas necessárias até 2030, identificando linhas de ação e investigação para superá-las. Saiba mais acerca deste tema premente no artigo “Mind the gaps: strengthening adaptation in the critical decade“.

“As we enter 2023 in full speed, we realise that our ‘critical decade’ for substantial climate action is shrinking fast. Emissions needed to be reduced by 45% by 2030, towards net zero by 2050, to keep the global temperature rise under 1,5º. At the last annual conference of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), the COP27, that ‘ideal target’ was abandoned in practice, but even 2º is now unlikely […] Adaptation is now unavoidable, but there are critical adaptation gaps that we will have to address over the remaining years up to 2030.”

Carla Gomes é investigadora no Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (ICS-ULisboa) integrada no Grupo de Investigação SHIFT-Ambiente, Território e Sociedade.
Atualmente integra o projeto de investigação Horizonte2020 ‘B-WaterSmart’, onde lidera o Work Package Society, Governance and Policy.