Blogue SHIFT | “We are what we eat”, but do we know what we are eating?
Nicoletta Moschini (Universidade de Bolonha & Universidade de Bielefeld) desenvolve uma reflexão premente acerca dos impactos ambientais do setor agroalimentar, numa perspetiva que destaca os direitos dos animais e a agência dos cidadãos e consumidores, no seu post do Blogue SHIFT intitulado “We are what we eat”, but do we know what we are eating?”
“While it is true that there are choices that we would like to be able to act on, but for which we do not yet have the tools […] there is one that would give us the possibility of being promoters of choices with a lower environmental impact: what we put on our plates three times a day. […] we have to ensure equal access to scientifically accurate information about the impact of the food industry on the Planet, on human beings, and on the animals involved in the process, seen as mere products, and not as sentient beings.”
Nicoletta Moschini é uma estudante visitante no ICS-ULisboa, do Mestrado conjunto em Sociology and Social Research da Università di Bologna (Itália) e da Bielefeld Universitaat (Alemanha).