Call for Papers: Urban-Related Sensoria: Environments, Technologies, Sensobiographies

Call for Papers: International Conference on Sensory Transformations
9–12 June 2020, Koli, Finland

Urban-Related Sensoria: Environments, Technologies, Sensobiographies addresses the embeddedness of people’s senses of self and the environment and their related biographical accounts in urban space. The purpose of this conference is to assess and revisit more generally the so-called »sensory revolution« (Serres 2009/1985; Howes 2005) in the humanities and social sciences.

The conference strives to move forward from the still existing tendency to treat the senses or sensory regimes as mutually distinct towards models that are able to grasp and examine the situated and co-operative emergence of multisensory experiences. A corollary aim is to explore how sensory experiences and memories are interrelated with diverse materialities, such as digital technologies and more-than-human physical milieus, with personal and shared histories of local environments and their transformation, as well as with such seemingly ephemeral phenomena as atmospheres and their affective perception.

Submission and Deadlines:

1. For sessions (panels of 3–6 papers) by 31 October 2019, (250–300 words), please click here.
2. For individual paper proposals and workshops by 15 December 2019, (250–300 words), please click here.
3. For poster proposals by 1 March 2020, (250–300 words), please click here.

Presentations are 20 minutes in length, with 10 minutes for discussion. Each session consists of 3–6 papers (90 min to 120 min).

Individual paper proposals may, but need not to be pointed to a certain session in the program. The papers may, but need not to, be included in the session proposal. Individual papers that are not pointed to a certain session by the author will be placed in a suitable session by the organising committee.

Acceptance letters are sent for sessions by 15th of November 2019; for individual papers by 31st of January; posters by mid-March 2020. The language of the conference is English.


Further information here.