
Current Team
João Mourato

PhD in Town Planning from the Bartlett School of Planning, University College of London (UK), is a postdoctoral researcher at ICS-ULisboa. His research focuses on the evolutionary dynamics of Spatial Planning as a public policy in Portugal. In particular, it analyzes learning processes and logics of institutional adaptation in the face of a changing legal, regulatory and political framework.

From 2008 to 2010, he was an associate researcher, the Nucleus of Strategies and Territorial Policies (NEST) of the Center for Geographical Studies, IGOT-UL. He has participated in several projects on the development prospects and territorial cohesion of the European Union, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the European Spatial Planning Observatory (ESPON). On this same subject, he was a consultant to the Directorate-General for Spatial Planning and Urban Development (DGOTDU – CEMAT / UNECE).





Consultoria técnica no âmbito do processo conducente à alteração do Programa Nacional da Política de Ordenamento do Território 
Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural Heritage in Creative and Knowledge Cities (ROCK)
MuVe – Valores e atitudes face à mudança a favor de um desenvolvimento económico mais sustentável
Regiões Funcionais, Relações Urbano-Rurais e Política de Coesão Pós-2013