

This collective blog is produced and managed by the members of the research group Environment, Territory and Society of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon . We have two goals: creating a space for outreach, debate and test of ideas in the areas of interest for the research team; and highlighting those dimensions of our work with a character of public interest.

We are especially interested in publishing posts, both from members of the group and invited authors, which are based in research, but capable to push research practice itself and show directions: new research paths, transformative ideias, recommendations for public policy.

The research group aims at: understanding the social, territorial and governance dynamics underlying current socio-ecological challenges; identifying transition pathways to a more equitable and sustainable society; and bridging science, society and policy-making. Its main areas of inquiry are: environmental representations, practices and policies; sustainable urban and regional futures; technoscience, risk and uncertainty.