Tulumello, S., A. Colombo. 2018. “Inclusive communities, exclusionary city, planning n/a? Mapping condomínios fechados semi-quantitatively in Lisbon, Cascais (and Barreiro).
Categoria de publicação: Book Chapters
Tulumello, S., A. Colombo. 2018. “Inclusive communities, exclusionary city, planning n/a? Mapping condomínios fechados semi-quantitatively in Lisbon, Cascais (and Barreiro).
Alves, S., R. Branco. 2018. “With or without you: models of urban requalification under neoliberalismo in Portugal”. In Changing Societies:
Granjo, P., J. Feijó. 2018. “Inclusion processes in work cultures and their impacts: a comparison of Portuguese and Mozambican cases”.
Neto, P. F. 2018. “Ambiguous boundaries between exclusion and inclusion. Experiences from the Meheba Refugee Camp (Zambia)”. In Changing Societies:
Granjo, P., S. Aboim, A. Ramos. 2018. “Introduction”. In Changing Societies: Legacies and Challenges. Vol. i. Ambiguous Inclusions: Inside Out,
Ferrão, J. 2018. “Postscript. The contribution of social sciences to building a more sustainable common future”. In Changing Societies: Legacies
Horta, A., M. Gross. 2018. “Digital technologies in the transition to a sustainable energy system: knowledge-related challenges from everyday life”.
Silveira, A. et al. 2018. “The sustainability of agricultural intensification in the early 21st century: insights from the olive oil
Ramos, V., N. S. Pereira, 2018. “Material deprivation and food insecurity: perceived effects on mental health and well-being”. In Changing
Policarpo, V. et al. 2018. “A life of their own: children, animals, and sustainable development”. In Changing Societies: Legacies and
Observa is financed by ICS-ULisboa and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (UIDB/50013/2020 , UIDP/50013/2020 , LA/P/0051/2020)
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