
Start date: 1/9/2008

Date of completion: 1/9/2010

AQUIMED – Integrated Coastal Areas and Water Resources Management

Adaptive and participatory management strategies and tools for groundwater resources in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean where there is scarcity as a response to climate change.



The AQUIMED project targets aquifers at risk of overexploitation or degradation of water quality due to recent droughts and increasing anthropogenic pressures (abstraction in particular). The possibility that climate change may exacerbate the balance between uses and availability justifies the urgent adoption of strategies for the management of groundwater resources. In these aquifers, the project will develop methods that support the inclusion of local agents in the analysis and design of strategies and instruments for the management and utilization of groundwater resources capable of ensuring the sustainable use of resources.


Associated publications:

Aquimed: enquadramento sócio-demográfico do aquífero Querença-Silves – Relatório