
‘It’s just the starting engine’: the status of spirits and objects in south Mozambican divination

Tipo de Publicação: Capítulo de Livro

Granjo, P. (2013). ‘It’s just the starting engine’: the status of spirits and objects in south Mozambican divination. In Beek, W. van & Peek, P. (eds.), Reviewing reality – dynamics of African Divination (pp. 211-36). Berlin: LIT.

From crab divination in the Cameroon to friction oracles in the Congo Basin, from reading cast objects in Mozambique to spirit possession in Cote d’Ivoire, from Sudanese ebony diviners to South African Xhosa healers, divination systems throughout Africa serve their communities by answering questions and resolving problems. Divination helps people chart a course in their lives through a deeper understanding of past and present. This important book reveals the extraordinary diversity and complexity of African divination systems, focusing on self-knowledge, social reality, and intercultural and historical relations.