
Current Team
Simone Tulumello

Born in 1982 in Palermo, Italy. PhD in Urban Planning and Spatial Planning (University of Palermo). Since January 2013 he is a postdoc researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of ULisboa. In 2016, I was Fulbright Research Scholar at the University of Memphis and then Policy Fellow at the Benjamin Hooks Institute for Social Change. His research, at the frontier between human geography, urban planning and critical urban studies, geographically focused in southern Europe and the southern United States, has three main axes: urban security policy and policies; housing policies and struggles for housing; neoliberal urban policies, crises and permanent austerity. Privilege qualitative, multi-disciplinary, multi-scalar and genealogical approaches, with interests in action research (I am a member of Habita, Association for the Right to Housing and the City). I am a member of the project team “exPERts – Making sense of planning expertise” (FCT; PTDC/ATP-EUR/4309/2014) and co-PI project “HOPES – Housing Perspectives and Struggles” (FCT; PTDC/GES-URB/28826/2017).

He is co-founder and editor of plaNext – next generation planning and blogue ATS, managed by the group Environment Environment Society of ICS-ULisboa. He is author of Fear, Space and Urban Planning (2017, Springer) and several articles in international journals, including Progress in Human Geography, Urban Geography, Urban Affairs Review, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Planning Practice and Research, International Planning Studies, Space and Culture, Cadernos Metrópole, Finisterra, Archivio di Studi Urbani and Regionali.





HOPES: Perspetivas e lutas em torno da habitação. Movimentos, políticas e dinâmicas residenciais em e para além de Lisboa


exPERts – Making sense of planning expertise: housing policy and the role of experts in the Programa Especial de Realojamento

FLAGSHIP: Forward Looking Analysis of Grand Societal Challenges and Innovative Policies