
Current Team
Susana Valente

PhD in Social Sciences at ICS-ULisboa.

She is a founding member of the Observatory – Observatory of Environment and Society in 1996, since then integrates the team of researchers. She has participated in multiple sociological research on various environmental and sustainability issues, in particular on the daily practices around urban waste.

Her participation in the national surveys “The Portuguese and the Environment” (1997 and 2000), in the analysis of data from international surveys – ISSP and Eurobarometer (2011-2014), is highlighted.

In the last ten years, she has been developing work on projects with a strong stakeholder involvement component. This process began between 2004 and 2007 with her participation in the research design and coordination of the field work of the team of the project Separar (action research project) and the Eco-Pargues Initiative (follow-up project). Since then, and in particular as a consultant to BSD Consulting Portugal, she has participated in numerous projects involving stakeholders, using various methodologies.

Currently (2015-2016) she is a Fellow of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, within the scope of the ClimAdaPT.Local project, where her main activity implies precisely the involvement of stakeholders in the context of the elaboration of Municipal Strategies for Adaptation to Climate Change.