
Start date: Junho de 2016

Date of completion: Em curso

exPERts – Making sense of planning expertise: housing policy and the role of experts in the Programa Especial de Realojamento

Most public policy issues have been approached from the point of view of mobilizing the knowledge of experts – of which citizens and decision makers are increasingly dependent on the so-called “age of expertise”.

ExPERts is a research project on the role of public policy experts: through our research on the Special Rehabilitation Program (PER), we intend to understand how paradigms, practices and techniques are adopted in (and adapted to) specific contexts and and how the experts make strategic use of their professional knowledge and status to guide the policy implementation process.

The exPERts research team is coordinated by Marco Allegra (principal investigator, ICS-UL). The exPERts is the result of a partnership between ICS-ULisboa, IGOT-ULisboa, and CIES-IUL; funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) with a budget of € 165,000 (ref: PTDC / ATP-EUR / 4309/2014) for 36 months.

Associated Publications:

exPERTs: making sense of planning expertise: housing policy and the role of experts in the Programa Especial