
Start date: 1/1/2013

Date of completion: 31/12/2015

FLAGSHIP: Forward Looking Analysis of Grand Societal Challenges and Innovative Policies

The objectives of FLAGSHIP are:

i) Understanding and assessing the state of the art of forward looking methodologies in relation to Grand Societal Challenges (GSC) and developing tools and modelling frameworks beyond state of the art;

ii) Applying an enhanced set of forward looking methods and tools to support EU policies, by analysing reference and alternative scenarios of long-term demographic, legal, economic, social and political evolutions of Europe, in a world context, and assessing potential progress in technological and social innovation;

iii) Driving change, producing a set of EU-relevant policy recommendations on the potential of the EU for transition and change.

The project was articulated in 10 WPs, providing a consistent sequence of research activities with a good balance between methodological developments and policy applications addressing long term GSC scenarios. 15 partners representing 10 MS including 2 NMS. 4 stakeholders workshops, 1 final conference, wide and diversified range of participation, communication and dissemination actions and media.