
Start date: 2011

Date of completion: 2014

INTRAG Transparency Index in Water Resources Management

The Transparency Index in Water Resources Management (INTRAG) is a tool to assess access to information and the respective level of transparency of the information water management bodies, considering their management by basin or river basin district. On the other hand, the application of INTRAG seeks to stimulate the improvement of the quality and quantity of information that public institutions responsible for water management make available to citizens and society as a whole.

In order to ensure comparability and, above all, to preserve and foster the existence of regionalized information to respond to local, regional and national needs and factors, the study sought not to forget information for each river basin district, even though currently (since 2012) only available on a single portal. The analysis was carried out by hydrographic regions, however, in this first edition, since the old Hydrographic Region Administrations (ARH), created in 2008, were dismantled in 2011, the data collected are practically similar in the five regions of the that it was decided to compare mainland Portugal with the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira.

Associated Publications:

Índice de Transparência na Gestão de Recursos Hídricos em Portugal (Intrag) (Article)

Índice de Transparência na Gestão de Recursos Hídricos em Portugal (Intrag) (Report)