
Start date: 1/11/2008

Date of completion: 1/12/2011

The Country Going Down the Drain – Risk Practices and the Scientific, Administrative, Mediatic Views

Based on the analysis of documents, interviews and direct observation of local practices, this project, which lasts 38 months, sought to work:

1) the characteristics of popular, mediatic, political / administrative and scientific interpretations of the current erosion of the Portuguese coast, its causes, the importance and risks of this process and the interactions that exist between these interpretations;

2) the interpretations of these social agents on the prospective, precautionary and palliative measures that should be taken;

3) risk practices and assessments on this topic carried out by the different social agents (political / administrative, economic, population) involved in the use and management of the coastal territory.

It is hoped that the knowledge produced during the project can be useful in the management of coastal erosion at both local and national level.