
Current Team
Paulo Granjo

PhD in Social Anthropology from ISCTE, he is an assistant researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon. He is also Visiting Professor at the Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo (licentiate in Anthropology) and professor at the Institute of Social Sciences (master’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology) and at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon (licenciatura em Artes do Espectáculo).

With a focus on Portugal and Mozambique, it investigates topics as diverse as industry, healing and magical practices, learning processes or family law, with the aim of understanding social conceptions and responses to uncertainty, danger and technology, in contexts of cultural and social change.

He is a member of the Center for Studies in Social Anthropology (ISCTE), the Center for African Studies (ISCTE), the Portuguese Anthropology Association and the European Association of Social Anthropologists. He is also an honorary member of the Association of Traditional Doctors of Mozambique.

He was scientific coordinator of the CASO-Centro de Análise Social (1994/2001), assistant professor at the Lusófona University (2000/2003) and associate researcher at ICS-UL (2002/2004).





O País Por Água Abaixo – Práticas de Risco e as Visões Científicas, Administrativas, Mediáticas 
O risco não existe: visões e práticas de apropriação do aleatório 
Apropriação social do perigo e da tecnologia industrial – perspectiva comparativa Moçambique/Portugal 



CHANGE: Mudanças Climáticas, Costeiras e Sociais
Portugal Nuclear: Física, Tecnologia, Medicina e Ambiente (1910-2010)