
Categoria de equipa: Current Team

João Graça

João Graça holds a PhD in Psychology (ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 2016) and is currently a postdoctoral researcher

Susana Valente

PhD in Social Sciences at ICS-ULisboa. She is a founding member of the Observatory – Observatory of Environment and Society

Sónia Alves

Sónia Alves is a research fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences of University of Lisbon, and a visiting researcher

Simone Tulumello

Born in 1982 in Palermo, Italy. PhD in Urban Planning and Spatial Planning (University of Palermo). Since January 2013 he

Roberto Falanga

Roberto Falanga was born in 1983. He graduated in Psychology from the “La Sapienza” University in Rome, where he also

Pedro Prista

PhD in Social Anthropology (1994, ISCTE-IUL); Masters in Ethnology (1982, Université de Nice); degree in Social and Human Sciences (1979,

Paulo Granjo

PhD in Social Anthropology from ISCTE, he is an assistant researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University

Olivia Bina

A PhD in geography from the University of Cambrige (UK), she is a principal investigator at the Institute of Social

Marco Allegra

PhD in Political Science from the University of Turin (Italy), is a postdoctoral researcher at ICS-ULisboa. His research interests include