
Current Team
Ana Horta
Member of the Executive Committee

Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon with a postdoctoral fellowship from the Foundation for Science and Technology. She holds a PhD in Sociology from ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.

She is currently developing research on the energy transition, including consumer practices and representations, energy poverty and media discourses on energy and climate change. She is also interested in issues such as food insecurity, food and human-animal relations.

She was part of the research team that created and set up the Observatory, having participated in the First National Survey on Portuguese Representations and Practices on the Environment. She was a member of the Working Group on Social Behaviors for the National Plan of Action for Energy Efficiency. She has participated in the organization of the biannual International Congresses Energy & Society Conference. She is a member of the Management Committee of COST Action European Energy Poverty: Agenda co-creation and knowledge innovation (ENGAGER). She is part of the coordination of the Environment and Society section of the Portuguese Association of Sociology.





Electroteen – Rotinas, reflexividade e mudança no consumo de energia associado ao uso dos media eletrónicos pelos adolescentes em tempo de Escassez
Construção social da sustentabilidade energética 



Pobreza e Insegurança Alimentar Doméstica das Famílias com Crianças 
Consensos e controvérsias socio-técnicas sobre energias renováveis
Entre a escola e a família: conhecimentos e práticas alimentares das crianças em idade escolar 
CHANGE: Mudanças Climáticas, Costeiras e Sociais – erosões glocais, concepções de risco e soluções sustentáveis em Portugal 
Net Zero Energy School – Ao Encontro das Comunidades
Dinâmicas Actuais da Mediatização das Questões Ambientais
Comportamentos Sociais no Plano Nacional de Acção para a Eficiência Energética